
Luxembourg is taking action for mental health! This is the guiding principle for the semaines de la santé mentale organised every two years since 2018 by the Ligue Luxembourgeoise d'Hygiène Mentale (D'Ligue) and its Centre d'Information et de Prévention.

The 4th edition will take place from 7 to 20 October 2024, with a particular focus on the mental health of children and young people under the slogan:


The 4th edition aims to:

raise awareness among children, young people, and those around them about mental health and mental disorders.

increase public consciousness regarding the importance of healthy development from a young age and maintaining balanced mental health throughout one's life.

promote and strengthen networking and collaboration among various actors.


Take part in activities

Are you a young or curious person, parent, grandparent, or professional and you want to check out the different activities available for you to sign up?